Day: July 6, 2024

Ticket Lawyer NYC Can Help You Fight Your Traffic TicketTicket Lawyer NYC Can Help You Fight Your Traffic Ticket

A ticket lawyer NYC can cost you a substantial sum of money in fines and points added to your driving record, as well as an increase in your car insurance rates. In the case of professional drivers such as taxi and Uber drivers or commercial drivers licensed by their employers, a conviction may even put their jobs at risk.

A ticket lawyer nyc can help you fight your traffic ticket or reduce the charges that you face. An experienced New York attorney understands the complex rules and regulations that govern vehicle and traffic laws in New York, and can use this knowledge to your advantage. In addition, attorneys are familiar with the judges and prosecutors who handle these cases, which increases their ability to influence a favorable ruling in your favor.

How a Ticket Lawyer in NYC Can Save Your License

In the case of a speeding violation, an attorney can challenge the accuracy of the radar or laser gun reading or argue that the officer did not have proper probable cause to pull you over in the first place. A Manhattan traffic lawyer can also help you combat a stop sign or red light ticket by arguing that the officer did not properly notify you of the proper procedure or warning.

Failing to use a turn signal is another offense that can carry heavy fines and result in points added to your license. A conviction of this violation can also lead to the suspension of your driver’s license. All contested Manhattan traffic tickets are adjudicated at the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB), which operates hearing centers throughout the state. The location of your citation generally determines the hearing center to which you are assigned.