Finding a quality Killara childcare centre is easy thanks to Toddle. There are five childcare centres in Killara, Victoria, and you can easily compare them to find the best one for your child. If you want to find the best one for your child, start by looking at their reviews. Parents can also view the ratings to see how they compare to other child care facilities. If you’re in the market for a new centre, you can use Toddle to find one that suits your needs and budget.
Little Known Ways To Finding A Childcare Centre In Killara Vic
Tracey McConnell joined the early childhood industry in 2004, and has more than 15 years of experience. She’s worked as a trainee, room leader, and centre manager, and has a background in early childhood education. She has been able to use her training and experience to enhance the learning environment at the Centre. After graduating from university, Tracey has been working with the community for over 15 years.
Tracey McConnell started her career in 2004 and completed her Bachelor of Teaching/Early Childhood. She has more than 15 years of experience in the early childhood industry, including work as a trainee, room leader, and manager. In 2017, she became the centre’s manager and has helped many families in the area. After graduating from university, Tracey has a strong passion for working with the next generation of Australians.