In a future job you will be required to go through Navy scrub pants which are specifically made for this type of work environment. When going to interview for a position such as this one at Sea World you will be asked about your Navy scrub pants preferences. What you say and how you say it can make or break an interview as is the case with these pants. You do not want to say something silly and this may hurt your chances. Also you do not want to sound conceited or seem like you know too much or think that you are smart because a good portion of your Navy jobs involve working in close quarters with people on a daily basis.
Which are specifically made for this type of work environment – Interviewing For a Navy Job
If you have been away from the Navy for a while and want to consider wearing some Navy scrub pants to an interview then you will want to take the time to look at some pictures of the Navy dress uniform. Look for some of the newer styles. A lot of times with the evolution of clothing for the Navy there are new designs and styles that are very popular among sailors. You will also want to talk to a person who works for Navy recruiting as they will be able to give you some great information and tips to help you to stand out from the crowd and look as well as you can in your Navy scrub pants. What they may tell you may be different from what you think so you want to get all the advice you can.
When going through a Navy recruitment station, you will want to go to the clothing section where you will find all the newest designs and styles for Navy scrub pants. Most of the designs you will see there will be short pants and dress pants. If you want to be unique and stand out a little bit, you may want to try some of the skirts, dresses, or even a pair of cargo pants. You want to be sure to try the ones you like on and go from there. You do not want to run out of options as you are interviewing for a Navy job!