When mistakes appear on a credit report, federal law gives consumers the right to dispute those errors. However, the process can be complicated and time consuming, and a skilled lawyer for credit dispute can help you get things fixed more quickly. They can also assist you in pursuing compensation from the credit bureaus, debt collectors and others that may have contributed to your damages.
What is the best way to dispute credit?
The credit reporting agencies and the furnishers of information have a duty to investigate any disputes that you make and to correct or remove inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information. If they fail to do so, you can sue them for violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
To begin the dispute process, contact the credit reporting agency that has the incorrect information. Then, send them a letter explaining the problem, including your complete name and address, each piece of inaccurate information you want changed, and copies (not originals) of documents that support your request. Make sure you use a certified mail service with a return receipt so that you have proof that the credit reporting agency received your letter.
The credit reporting agency must notify you of the results of its investigation. If it finds that the disputed information is accurate, it must provide you with a copy of the corrected report. If it finds that the disputed information was not accurate, it must tell you why the item was not removed from your report. The credit reporting agency must also include a statement about your dispute in any reports it provides to others.