Washington Physicians Blog Using Fingerprinting to Enhance Fraud Prevention

Using Fingerprinting to Enhance Fraud Prevention

In the real world, humans rely on a variety of senses to recognize one another. A small business owner might recognize a regular customer by their voice, and law enforcement officers may use facial recognition to identify repeat criminals and suspected terrorists. Online, fingerprinting technology can add an extra layer of security to platforms that want to prevent fraud and enhance their digital experiences.

Fingerprinting Solutions: Securing Online Transactions

Fingerprinting solutions use unique attributes to identify devices and distinguish them from each other, and can be used in conjunction with behavioral analysis. The advanced dynamic endpoint detection and response capabilities featured in many modern malware solutions can better detect new malware variants that can evade signature-based identification and fingerprinting methods.

Alternatively, businesses can use document fingerprinting to identify sensitive information on a network. This process uses fingerprinting to tag files and detect network traffic, such as emails or TCP and FTP uploads, that contains the tagged file to deploy DLP policies to protect that data.

There are several open-source options for developers who want to integrate fingerprinting into their applications. CreepJS and FingerprintJS are two of the best maintained and are likely to be the most straightforward for developers to implement. Alternatively, commercial device fingerprinting providers offer more sophisticated technologies that include machine learning and other tools for a comprehensive fraud prevention system. Many of these solutions also incorporate additional sources of device information, enabling more robust identification of users and their behavior.

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Weiss Distilling Co.
34 14 Mile Rd, Clawson, MI 48017, United States
Phone: +19294843932