The violin is a violin markings musical instrument with a wooden body that acts as a resonating box and makes the strings vibrate. Violinists have a variety of ways to mark their violin with finger guide stickers and other markings. Some of these markings are useful, others have historical significance and still others are simply for decorative purposes.
Violins can be marked with the names of different positions or even the note names. Position names are typically used in sheet music and etude books to help beginners to understand which finger goes where on each string. The most common position names are 1st finger, 2nd finger, 3rd finger and 4th finger. In many cases, a 0 or O is placed over the finger position to indicate an open string.
Guiding the Music: Demystifying Markings in Violin Sheet Music
Often, advanced players will use special notes to indicate what strings should be played and which timbres are desired. For example, a passage that would normally be played on the D string can be indicated as “sul G” or “auf G.” This allows musicians to explore new timbres and sounds on their instruments.
Some violins may also have other labels or stamps that are glued inside the instrument. These may be the name of the maker, or other information about the violin. They may also include a hand written signature that shows a repair or other modification that was done on the instrument. This is a practice that the famous master luthier Otto Mockel strongly condemned and discourages for violins in his book “Geigenbaukunst.” In some cases, it is possible to recognize a repair or alteration by careful examination of the instrument.